Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hospitality- Traci Major and Kathy Lopez

Describe Hospitality:
     1.  Background: Philo-Zenia= to love strangers
     2.  What God says about Hospitality: Matthew 10:40- "Anyone who welcomes you welcomes Me."\
     3.  Excuses: Keep us from God's best.  Remember that you may never have that opportunity again.

Truth Treatments:

-John 8:32
-Philippians 4:13
-II Corinthians 12:9
-Mark 9:23
-Philippians 4:19
-Mark  6:8
-Hebrews 4:16

*Hospitality is an ACT of worship.  An action is purposeful and intentional.

Tips on Being Purposeful:

1. Be in the Word. (He fills us up, then we can overflow)
2. Be available. (Listen to and value people and their needs)
3. Think of it as an opportunity, a divine appointment, instead of an interruption.
4. Don't forget Who we're pointing people to. (This fights pride or a desire to impress)
5. Do what you can to help. (Do one thing, pray about what God would have you do)
6. Practice Hospitality with intentionality. (Hospitality is a heart attitude that acts accordingly)

*It's not about us!  Listen to God's promptings.
*The disciples were acting out of love, not obligation

Practically Practicing Hospitality:

1.  Never clean before company, clean on a schedule, maybe one bathroom and one main room a day, so it's never a mad dash. (Be real, let people see your messes, it probably blesses them.)
2.  Keep your emphasis on welcome, a welcoming heart matters more than a perfectly clean house. (don't apologize for messes, it's self focused even though it may sound others focused)
3.  Include little touches like candles or flowers.
4.  Do as much ahead of time as possible.  (make up cookie dough, freeze it in balls.  Fresh cookies are a nice touch, and then you're not stressing out right before company)
5.  Keep records
6.  Pray that God will open your eyes to opportunities. (Our giftedness and His grace)

*Five-Minute Drill:  Get's your kids involved!  Once or twice a day, assign each person an area and clean/organize for five minutes.  Make it fun by challenging your kids to race the timer, "let's see how much we can clean in five minutes!"
*Have your kids rotate as the designated greeter.  Teach them how to use good manners to welcome others, and how to have a serving attitude and heart towards guests.

Recipes and Planning Websites:

1. www.melskitchencafe.com (Tab for make-ahead meals)
2. www.thepioneerwoman.com (Thanksgiving deconstructed, SO helpful for planning a big holiday meal)
3. www.yourhomebasedmom.com
4. www.thriftydecorchick.com

*Time and stress savers: prep/chop for your evening meal in the morning, double recipes when you can and freeze.

More Practical Ideas:
*Pick one weekend a month to invite another family over for lunch or dinner.
*Cleaning tip: have a basket to serve as a quick clutter mover.
*Invite international students over for holidays.
*Base hospitality around food, Jesus did this, many Biblical examples, devotions at meals.
*Sunday dinners, invite someone over.  Once big meal a week.
*Let people bring things (side dishes) to help lessen the load.
*Popcorn is an easy snack that goes a long way.

Sisters in Christ

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