-Defined: Making a choice to curb your desires.The self-restraint that produces Christlikeness. Disciplined.
-Opposite of self-control = Dissipation (1 Peter 4:3-7): To scatter, waste, flail.
-For who? Every believer in increasing measure as we grow in Christ.
-Why? Enables the believer to be conformed into the mind of Christ. Place of protection for us, a defense against sin.
*At your tables, share what areas you think we as women typically lack self-control? What about you? What circumstances test your self-control the most?
BRAINSTORM: Emotions, spending money (to beautify ourselves, our homes, etc...), time management, food (over/under eating), speech.
How can I grown in the fruit of self-control? Titus 2:11-14
Indicatives (the truths):
-Past redemption: He bought us back.
-Present purity and possession: We recieved His righteousness, we belong to God.
-Future hope: Nothing can ever take me from Him! Because of what we have, we need to be stewards, how are we striving to please Him?
Imperatives (what we should DO because of these truths):
-Say No!: For a greater yes! We should be fueled by all He is and all He's done for us.
-Live self-controlled lives: To honor, reflect, and draw near to Him.
-Be eager to do good: BECAUSE we love Him, not to earn right standing.
*Key: More Jesus, more Gospel in our lives produces more fruit (self-control). It flows from our union with Him.
*At your table share some things you do, or have seen others do, to help in the area of self-control.
1 Peter 5- Be alert.
1 Peter 1- Prepare your minds for action.
*Who we are precedes what we do. Bask in who He is and who you are in Him!
How can I teach my children self-control?
-Who's the boss? When you teach your kids to submit to your authority, you are preparing them to come under God's authority. Make a family rules list, consequences teach them to have self-control. Always point them to the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
-Set up child for success and model it. Motivated by Jesus!
-makes sure everyone is getting enough rest (if possible) and healthy food.
-make a budget.
-pray before discipline
-address problems before they escalate
-pray for forgiveness together
-accountability (husband/friends)
-speak quietly to evoke calm speech
-hug before correction
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