Cultural Priorities
- College (3)
- Entertainment (2)
- Travel (5)
- Career (4)
- Good looks (1)
- Marriage (6)
- Motherhood (7)
The numbers I've placed next to each is the priority order our table put them in, again the order is according to popular culture. He pointed out how out of order this cultural order is with God's priorities for us as women, that we are fighting this cultural order on hostel ground. He shared how comedian Jim Gaffigan talks about the way culture makes fun of or feels sorry for large families. Add to this against-the-current battle we face the fact that motherhood is exhausting! He jokingly gave this quote in regards to the exhaustion of motherhood:
"Imagine you're drowning and someone throws you a baby".
All joking aside, he then encouraged us that the deep rest we are looking for can only be found in Jesus, not in the things the world promises. He will give us deep rest when we abide in Him, but He also calls us to hard work in a hostel world.
In Genesis 3:15 we see the first hope of the Gospel in God's promise that the Savior will come through Eve's lineage. In other words, children have to happen to lead to Jesus. God could have chosen any way to put on flesh, but He chose to come through a mother, Mary. Motherhood is a calling, the key mechanism God uses to save lost sinners.
He reminded us that motherhood is not about you, it's about the glory of God! It's a call to full time ministry, laying your life down for His use and Glory.
Application Points
1. Lay down your life for the Gospel to your children. Preach to them with your life. You are always representing the Gospel to your children, the question you have to ask yourself is how well are you doing?
- Are you resentful in your role? Your kids know where they stand with you and how you feel about them without words.
- Do you love your kids the way Christ loves you? You may be able to fake it in front of others, but how do you love them behind closed doors?
* They know if you value their lives above your own. The call on EVERY Christian is to come and die.
2. Know the Word. Proverbs 22:16 talks about folly being bound up in the heart of a child. God's Word, He Himself has the power to penetrate hearts and save. It requires repeated diligence to point our children towards fear of the Lord. When we abide in the Word, it overflows.
- Live life with your little "cyclones" and disciple them always by knowing the Word.
3. Trust Jesus. It's a daily act of faith, we often don't get to see results, but trust Jesus, it's His work through you! Believe His promises. Aaron shared how Isaiah had a similar challenge as he looked at the ministry He'd been given.
Isaiah 49:4- "But I said, “I have labored in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all. Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with my God.”
It was such a joy to hear from the Lord through Aaron this morning. We hope to see you all on September 17th!
thanks for posting this, Sarah! this is going to be such a nice resource!!
ReplyDeletethanks for taking the time to post there. is there any way we could get the quotes Aaron read to us from CS Lewis. I tried google-ing them and couldn't find them. :) look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday!