Sunday, December 1, 2013

Love Languages

We had the privileged of hearing Theresa Fightmaster speak at our last meeting on the 5 Love Languages, an inspired talk from the book, The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell.  Each person receives love differently, so it's important to figure out what really fills your husband or kiddos "Love Tank."  Each person will probably need all of these Love Languages to be spoken to them, but some will be more important to the individual then other ones.  Here is a list below:

5 Love Languages

Touch (Describes your child/husband):
Receive hugs, kisses, high fives, cuddles, asks to be carried, wrestling, tag, climbs in your lap.

Words (Describes your child/husband):  Likes for others to tell them they did a good job.

Quality Time (Describes your child/husband):  Loves to do things with you: watch a movie, yard work, go out to eat, run errands, play a game.  Tries to get your undivided attention.  Wants to sit next to you or have you watch them while they're playing.

Gifts (Describes your child/husband):  Feels good when someone gives them something.  Enjoys a special present or surprise.  Enjoys birthdays presents, surprise treats, earning a treat, having their favorite food made for them.

Service (Describes your child/husband):  Likes it when people do nice things for them: helping with chores, school projects, driving places, making meals or snacks.

 A child with a full love tank = a healthy, emotionally stable child.

How do I know what my spouse's/child's Love Language is?

1. Observe how your child/spouse expresses love to you.
2.Observe how your child/spouse expresses love to others.
3. Listen to what your child/spouse requests most often.
4. Notice what your child/spouse most frequently complains about.
5. Give your child/spouse a choice between two options.

The 5 Love Languages are a wonderful tool to use in learning to love our family well.  We are so grateful to Theresa for sharing her knowledge with us!  

Sisters in Christ

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